Smart Spectrum Management System
A modular, automated spectrum management solution that tailors to our customer’s needs. SPECTRA integrates with third-party products like financial and customer relationship management systems (CRM). The end–to–end process automation speeds up licensing tasks and eliminates human error in processing applications. SPECTRA provides customers with a seamless integration and exchange of data between the different administrative and technical system components, as well as third-party software systems.
Your LS of SA Contact
Contact us for further information
Phone: +27 (0)11 958 5153
E-mail: Info(at)
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Get to know SPECTRA in detail
Visit the LS telcom product page
SPECTRA enables you to store your spectrum data in ONE place to have a SINGLE view of the nationwide spectrum. SPECTRA provides you with engineering, spectrum planning and radio monitoring modules. Those commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products avoid costly from-scratch in-house development.
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